Are you seeking estate planning legal services in Michigan? Our estate planning attorneys provide expert counsel, representation and administration services. Let the expert team at Dingeman & Dancer, PLC counsel you through the process and develop practical plans for the preservation and tax-sensitive distribution of your assets to your beneficiaries.
Who Benefits from Estate Planning and Administration?
Everyone, regardless of net worth, background or objectives can benefit from professional estate planning and administration services. Our estate planning attorneys tailor estate plans specific to each unique situation. We have extensive experience with Michigan’s complex tax and probate laws and take pride in our ability to explain and implement practical solutions that help you meet your objectives.
Estate Planning in Traverse City, Michigan
The Dingeman & Dancer, PLC attorneys possess an average of 20 years of experience in estate planning and enforcement – this includes challenging the documentation of an estate, when necessary. Less than five percent of all Michigan licensed attorneys have obtained a state-level certification in estate planning and administration. Complete your estate planning in Traverse City with the help of a certified estate planning attorney.
What to Expect from Our Estate Planning & Administration Experts
We begin the process of planning an estate with a comprehensive discussion of objectives and a confidential analysis of present and future assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Detailed attention is given to family considerations, taxation and potential probate issues.
After analysis and discussion, we present a proposed estate plan, including drafts of the various estate planning documents. These documents typically include a Will, Trust, Durable Power of Attorney, and designation of patient advocate (for healthcare decisions).
Depending upon your circumstances and objectives, a complete estate plan may also include additional documents, such as:
- Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust
- Legacy Trust
- Charitable Remainder Trust
- Family Foundation
- “Cottage law” Trust for vacation homes
When disputes arise, our estate planning attorneys often act as mediators and arbitrators. When necessary, we aggressively litigate and advocate our client’s position through the Trial and Appellate Courts. We always strive for a solution outside of the court system, as this is often the best solution for all parties involved.
Estate Planning Attorneys Dedicated to Meeting Your Goals
At Dingeman & Dancer, PLC, our estate planning attorneys strive to achieve your objectives – from charitable endeavors to maximization of asset preservation and distribution to your family – while minimizing taxes and administrative expenses. Our attorneys always welcome the input of other trusted family members and advisors, such as accountants and financial planners, to assist us in reaching your goals.
We begin the process of planning your estate with a comprehensive discussion of objectives and a confidential analysis of present and future assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Detailed attention is given to family considerations, taxation and potential probate issues.

Find Estate Planning Attorneys Near Me
Securing qualified representation and administration as soon as you begin the estate planning process is crucial to achieving your desired results. Let the highly skilled estate planning attorneys at Dingeman & Dancer, PLC, provide reliable legal services to guide you successfully through the process, from start to finish.
When you call us, you get us. Call 800-626-0050 or request an appointment online.