At Dingeman & Dancer, PLC, we strive to provide you and your business with the transactional law services you need to invest, develop and prosper. Our transactional law services are led by attorneys with vast experience in all business and legal matters. If you need transactional law services, choose Dingeman & Dancer, PLC.
What is Transactional Law?
So, what is transactional law and why does it matter? Transactional law focuses on business matters and commerce. Transactional law attorneys work with individuals and businesses to advise on and ensure that business deals, real estate development, and even estate planning and administration are conducted within the confines of the law.
At Dingeman & Dancer, PLC, our transactional law services include:
- Real Estate Development
- Cannabis Law
- Business Matters
- Estate Planning & Administration
- Construction Law
- Land Use
- Riparian Rights
- Employment Law
- And more
Transactional Law Services You Can Rely On
Transactional law services are vital to protect your assets and your business interests. From permitting to property acquisition, zoning issues and riparian rights, our transactional lawyers understand your needs and have the personal experience to help you see your project or case to fruition.
Like all law services, transactional law cases should always be conducted by an attorney who specializes in transactional law. At Dingeman & Dancer, we identify as a transactional law firm. Our services are unparalleled and unique to our region.
Transactional law attorneys work with individuals and businesses to advise on and ensure that business deals, real estate development, and even estate planning and administration are conducted within the confines of the law.

Transactional Law Firms in Traverse City, Michigan
If you are seeking transactional law services in northern Michigan or transactional law firms in Traverse City, Michigan, look no further.
Our skilled attorneys can help you draw up and implement necessary legal documents, represent you in a court of law, or assist as you work through business negotiations. Let Dingeman & Dancer, PLC provide the skilled counsel and representation you need to protect your personal and business interests at every step.
When you call us, you get us. Call 800-626-0050 or request an appointment online.